Monday, July 18, 2016

I'm Gratful and the Unemployment Tunnel

I've been unemployed for 7 business days. It doesn't really seem long, I know. There are people that have been that way for 70 business days. There is something about being unemployed totally unexpectedly at a time when you feel like money was getting a little tight in the first place and having a house and car payments. I guess I should be thankful that there are no kids in the picture at this time. I was still stressed about it. The last time I was unexpectedly without a job the hubby and I were living with my parent's saving up for a house. I didn't have a car payment or a house payment. I was worried that I would never get another graphic designer job because who gets fired from their first big job in their career field and still has a career? Well I did. I survived. I probably turned in a billion applications a day and within about 2 weeks I had a new job.

Fast forward to the last 7 business days. The day after I was laid off (a Friday) I sent out 4 resumes. Friends from my last job suggested to take a week off, decompress and then start looking. I didn't see how I could relax with bills taking money out an no money coming in? Monday I turned in 3-4 more resumes, replied to an email from a potential job to set up an interview. Tuesday had an interview. Thursday went to my family reunion in a place with no cell service. Sunday I came home to an email with a job offer.

I am most grateful to the Lord up above for looking out for me. I know that He gives me only what I can handle. I feel like He gives me more than I deserve sometimes. I still have about 2 weeks until I start my new job, which gives me time to catch up on some things so that is kind of nice. It is comforting knowing that there is a light at the end of my unemployment tunnel, and that it isn't a train to smoosh me.

Thankful for my family who unknowingly helped take my mind off of the stress of being jobless and not really being able to do anything about it while at the family reunion. I really do have the best extended family. They are supportive, they are hilarious and they just love no matter what! I couldn't ask for a better bunch to call my tribe. I love them to pieces!!

Yay for new jobs and moving forward. I continue to pray for my friends that are still on the job search, I hope that they can find something that will be a fit for them. Again, I am so grateful for the Lord up above that looks out for me and for my family that loves and supports me.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Gym

I joined a gym. I've lived many years without a gym. Running on my own and doing some crossfit type things and just general body weight exercises. What pushed me to join up again?

Recently I went to a dog show in Idaho. I signed up for the National Owner Handler Seeies (NOHS) and recieved Best of Breed for Owner Handler. This meant I got to go into what is called the Working Group for Owner Handler. Scary for me, but it's just a dog show. Anyway I was in the ring doing my thing with supporters on the "sidelines". Afterwards one of my friends showed me a video she has taken and here I was suppose to be looking at how my dog was moving. All my eyes could see was how big my butt looked. I was like wow, that has really gotten out of hand...

It was obvious that I have been doing more netflixing than running and consumed more soda than salads. I decided to look more seriously into the fitness reimbursement that I have available through my work. Thus I signed up for a gym membership.

I did some searching online and asked for opinions from friends. I finally went into my gym of choice and they had me fill out some info on an iPad while I was waiting to speak to a health something or other. When the health something or other approached me, he was basically a Ken Barbie doll. I followed him around the gym and he showed me stuff and talked to me about fitness and nutrition and tried to get me to sign up for a personal trainer. I'll say he isn't my fav because it was like salesman Ken Barbie and made it seem like I wasn't going to reach goals without paying over $100/month for a personal trainer. Anyway I stuck to my guns (gangly as they may be) and said no I want to try and do it myself.

Day one at the gym, on my own. I have a workout picked out from a site I follow. I walk in and start out with some treadmill jogging. I'm in my faded hot pink shorts (faded cause I've had them for like 10 years) and a bright blue top and I feel like I fit right it with the cardio people. Then it came time for weights. I headed to the area that I like to call testosterone zone. I pick my weights and my spot and just get started. I look around and notice that I stand out a lot. I guess the unofficial dress code for the secret weight lifting club is black, white, gray and red. It seemed I was the obvious newbie. Other than my attire I am sure there were other things that screamed newbie. Anyway, I survived and I don't mind the gym much. Maybe I like people watching. I probably make a lot of weird faces at the gym. I mean I'm watching a girl bust out pull ups like its no big deal but it is because I can't even do one. I mean I tried today and after a few seconds of trying to tell my arm and other muscles what to do I just start laughing. I also kept laughing in the traeadmill and the guy next to me kept looking at me, I was laughing at a texts from a friend but for all he knew I was just a crazy lady on the treadmill. I also do not get in machines or use equipment until I see someone else use it. This is how I avoid accidentally trying to use the painter scaffolding incorrectly (if you dont get it, check out Brian Regan-Health club)
The gym is going to be fun 🙂

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Your Favorite Jeans

There comes a morning in your life when you go to put on your favorite pair of jeans and they no longer fit. It is a day that you want to just sit down in you closet and cry because you don't have a good reason for your pants to not fit like pregnancy or losing weight. Your only reason is that you are getting fat... or bigger, if you are a half full type of person. There is not time for sitting in your closet and crying because you still have to adult and go to work and live life. Although without a good cry you just feel miserable all day and then you end up getting a soda and sugar cookie even though in the back of your brain you realize that this isn't helping the situation... really this is just adding to the problem.

Since turning 20 I don't think I've ever gotten rid of a pair of jeans because they no longer fit. It has always been because I've worn the crap out of them. Currently I have 7 pairs of jeans in my closet. Only one of them fits. I basically have no pants because I'm not okay with wearing the same pair of jeans everyday of the week. The fact that I have 3 pairs of jeans in a "no fit" pile because I feel like a potato shoved into jeans (thanks Jewel) when I put them on. The button may burst off and squash someone's eyeball and I'm just not willing to be responsible for someone losing an eye.

Adulting is hard. I'm not even 30 yet and I already feel the effects of what people say happens at 30, the whole slowing metabolism. But this is my life now. I've been trying to workout and have done so at least 3 days a week. I think my desk job is killing me. I'm a graphic designer and spend 8-ish hours at a desk everyday. I wish I could do my job with a treadmill desk but I don't think I could design and walk at the same time. Lunch breaks I typically throw on my gym clothes and lift some weights, do squats and crossfit stuff. I don't hit it everyday but I try not to go longer than 3 days without doing something active.

If any fitness gurus read this they are probably thinking well its only 20% about what you do in the gym and 80% about what you eat. Well I've been doing better. Okay minus my 24 oz soda and giant sugar cookie binge yesterday. But really Easter candy is my weakness. I typically go through a large bag of Mini Eggs every week and I lose track of the number of peeps I eat. I know, I know you either love or hate peeps but even if you hate them we can still be friends. You hate peeps and I hate peas, we can all still be friends as long as you don't try to shove peas down my throat, I won't shove peeps down your throat. So far I've only bought 2 things of peeps and I didn't even finish the half of one of the packages (it was flavored and gross). I have not bought a single bag of Mini Eggs, and that my friends is a miracle.

Okay so some other people may be like hush your face you aren't even fat, you're only a size 10 and I'm like a 20 so just Shut your pie hole... okay I don't really like pie so cake hole. But really any lady that suddenly has to shop for a size bigger anything is like really? this sucks and I just want to wallow in self pity. So this is my wallowing in self pity and just trying to move on with life. This is my life, I sit at a desk for 8 hours spend 20-45 minutes in the work gym at least 3x a week, I'm eating better... like actually eating veggies (it is hard, sugar is better but whatevs), and I'm still splitting my jeans. So that is cool.

I just want to blame work for ruining my life (sedentary and stressful) but I know that I can't. I am thinking of an exit strategy for the common workplace. I'm probably still a years or so away from that but we will see. Can I just stay at home and be a dog mom but still get paid? ...sigh, and that is the end of self pity blog post.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

What now?

I'm sure everyone reaches that point in there life where they wonder, "What now?"

There is also a point where, usually as a teen "that knows everything" that you had a plan for life. As far as I can remember here was my plan.

1- Graduate high school  (check)
2- Go to college (check)
3- Get married in the temple (check)
4- Graduate college (check)
5- Get a job using your degree (check)
6- Get a house (check)

My 5-10 yr plan for my life from high school has basically be fulfilled. No it didn't happen exactly as I planned it, in the order I planned it but what really ever goes according to plans?

I got another email saying it was my "last chance" to purchase my pictures from college graduation. I look at them every time, even though I have no intention of buying them. Today I noticed that in the 3.5 yrs since graduation I've gained weight. In fact I can tell you that I have probably gained 30lbs since that picture was taken. Just a realization that kicks you in the gut. It made me reflect on my last 3.5 years of life. What have I really done? And what do I do now that I have reached all my goals?

Set new goals you say? I kind of feel like Charlie Eppes from the show Numbers when he is faced with writing a letter to whoever takes the big fancy office after he does. He realizes he doesn't really know what he wants in life and thus finds it harder to write this letter. If I don't know what I want how am I suppose to set new goals?

I think part of me fears new goals because that means I have to accomplish something and that I might fail along the way. In fact I feel like I have failed at almost every goal that I have tried to set the last few years. It is like I have lost my goal setting skills. I use to have them, they existed... I'm not sure where they went. Maybe they dwindled with my passions in life. I use to love life and everything about it.Oh, my passions? What were my passions? Waterpolo, swimming, dance, running, going out with friends, feeling like I had the world at my fingertips, designing things...

but wait... aren't you a graphic designer? Why yes, yes I am, but the dirty truth they don't tell you in college is that not every graphic design job is treated equally. There are jobs that are titled graphic designer but really you are just a production artist... basically a production artist is almost like a CNA of the design world, appreciated because they clean up all the poop, etc that those above them don't want to. I got moved to a new position in my company that I thought would provide more creative opportunities but, alas, I was wrong at least so far. Creativity isn't just a thing, it is more like a muscle. If not used it will shrivel. I feel like my creativity muscle is becoming severely atrophied. I'm not ready to give up on my job just yet so I've been looking for other, personal projects to get back into constant "creative juices flowing" status.

In design school I felt like a creative genius all the time. I was the bomb! I feel like getting my creativity "back" will help with other things in life. I'm sure creativity, or lack thereof, isn't the only prob. I am slowly trying to identify what seems to me holding me back and tackle those things. This takes patience. My brilliant, lovely mother will be the first to tell you it is not my biggest virtue.

I need to get back to my goal setting ways. I just have to. I also have to realize that I am no longer 16 or 17 when I could easily do 25 military push ups without batting and eye and 500 yards of swimming was only the warm up. I am no longer 168lbs of mostly muscle from swimming 3-5 hours 5-6 days a week. I am now 168lbs of what feels like half muscle and half fat. I can no longer get away with only 4-5 hours of sleep each night and just be a normal human being. I need like 7-9 or I'm kind of raunchy. I can no longer just up and run a 10k with 0 preparation this 28 yr old body needs a month for that... probably.

I do have a lot of things, that I am truly grateful for. I have an awesome family. I have a great mom that I have decided knows how to do everything and is willing to help me even when it is me being a baby because I can't seem to get my crap together to organize my office. I have good genes. Ex: I look about 10 yrs younger than I am... at least to people older than me, I don't think the teens are fooled. Also, I don't get sick very often *knock on wood*. I can run. I can swim... well I'm pretty sure I can. I am able to laugh at myself (and I do more than I probably should... great I'm going toe that person that laughs at their own jokes, all alone lol). I am most grateful for my fantabulous husband that puts up with me and eats whatever I cook no matter how crazy it gets. He cracks me up and can always make me smile when I am blue. Sometimes I wish I had a brain as logical as his, but then I wouldn't really be me and all the whimsicalness that entails. I am just glad he found me and I found him and that we can be weird together =)

So here's to whatever my "what now?" mind journey finds me. Here is to creativity and new adventures that I happen upon. I hope I can restart the passion for life that I once had, and if my old loves don't hold the same allure for me that they once did, then I hope I can find whatever they will be replaced by.

Go team!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

I'm addicted to Racing

I signed up for another half marathon. This will be my 4th...I think(read about my first one here).

I love races. Training isn't always my favorite, it does take time and energy, all of which I feel like I have little of already. I can't think of a race that I have turned down in the last 3 years because I didn't want to. If I do turn down a race, it is because I am lacking funds or I am already on another team for said race.

Races are awesome, running is great (even though sometimes I forget that I love it) and people's reaction to the fact that you are running a half marathon is great, for the most part. I think part of why I love races so much is....well several reason's actually.

1) the "herd" of like minded racers at the start line all doing their pre-race rituals. Everyone has their thing they have to have or do to really feel like they are starting a race. My race M.O. is a banana and PB with some stretching. There is just a buzz of excited energy. There is usually music pumping, people talking and some dancing. It is just awesome to be a part of it all.

2) Running with a bunch of people. It is just fun. People cheer you on along the way. If you stop for any reason, other than at a water station, about 20 people will ask you if you are okay

3) The signs people hold up to encourage runners. My favorite, to date, "Don't poop your pants." If you aren't a runner you may not really find the humor in it.

Races are awesome.

I am lucky to have a husband and parents that support me in my running habits/addictions. When taking on anything new or doing something so "crazy" it is so nice to have support and people to cheer you on. Having running buddies has always helped too, whether they are ones you actually run with or just talk about running with. I'm grateful that the people closest to me don't roll their eyes and my dreams and goals or talk to me with a voice of doubt in my abilities.

Big thanks to my support team!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I feel like I'm taking Crazy Pills

You know how sometimes life just seems to get out of hand?

I'm there now.

There are several factors.

1) I still have boxes of crap our belongings in several rooms in the house. Everything doesn't have a place therefore everything can't be in its place. It drives me bonkers but I feel like the only time I have to conquer the box beasts is Saturdays and Sundays. And Sundays I try to treat as the day of rest, as I have been taught... but I'm finding it more difficult to do so.

2) I have a puppy. LOVE HER! But she is kind of crazy, as is expected with a 4 month old pup. She is growing fast. She is in the teething stage of life and although I haven't suffer many casualties by way of shoes or things being completely destroyed my hands have suffered from her biting. I've tried the holding her mouth closed, yelping like a puppy and tucking her lip under her teeth so she is basically biting herself. All of these methods seem to get her more excited and more mouthy. I seriously feel like the worst puppy mom ever. She seems to have gotten worse the last few weeks, but we have also gotten of our routine. I'm hoping that getting back to that routine, hoping that she gets more sleep, etc, will help. I am get frustrated and like I said I feel like I am doing something wrong which makes me feel like the worst puppy mom ever.

3) Church. I feel that I am failing at church. Moving to a new ward has not really helped. We have been in our house 2.5 months. We go to sacrament most Sundays, we know like 2 people in our ward that we talked to while we were fixing the house and they moseyed on over to say hi. Maybe I have just been spoiled with awesome wards thus far in my 27 years of life but I really find it weird that no one has reached out to us in that 2.5 months of time. No phone call, no coming to our house, nothing. Well I did get a belated bday present from the relief society but unfortunately I wasn't home when they brought it so I didn't get to meet them. I have a hard time going to places where I don't feel like I know anyone and church is becoming one of those places. I mean no one even talks to us when we go to church. It's weird to me! It really makes me wish that I were a super extrovert and that is was easy for me to just talk to people and make people be my friend but I can't muster the courage to do that. Its just not a natural easy thing for me.
I know there are things that I could/should be doing for my own personal spiritual growth and those things have fallen by the wayside as well. I have noticed a difference in myself, I don't like it. It isn't helping me and it isn't helping my husband either. I have made a mental note of the things I need to get back in to my routine that I know will help me to feel better about myself, my life and well just all around better.

4) I've lost my journal. Okay it isn't exactly lost it is just lost in the mess of item #1. Having a journal has always helped me sort out stuff, get over stuff and just get things off my chest and brain. I guess I never realized how important is was to me (cause I am not the most consistent journal writer) until I have gone without it. Now I miss it.

5) My to-do list. There are so many things that I would like to get done, that aren't housework, but I just can't squeeze them in. Lets be honest, not even the regular house hold chores are getting done because I feel I have so little time and things that are more important. So my house just looks like a pig sty most of the time. A lot of "little" projects at my house seem to unravel into much bigger things. Example: I have a crap craft table that I want to move to our 2nd kitchen easy enough right? Wrong, in order to move it down there I need to move some cupboards that are sitting on the floor, which I need to decide if I still want them downstairs, really I would rather have shelving ceiling to floor where they use to be. So just build shelves? Well currently there is a dryer and unused washer in that space. We have a washer upstairs in our garage that we use and plan to put the dryer up there too BUT that takes some electrical rewiring or wiring which we (by we I mean my hubby cause I know nothing about that stuff and he is genius, I just flip the breaker switches and bring tools or beverages) haven't had time for. So at our house, one does not simply move a table to its new home.

You may wonder what we are spending all our time on. Well I am up at 5 AM to get up, get puppy up, walked, fed, and pottied. Then I have to get ready for work, feed myself, make lunches for me and hubby. We also play with puppy and do some training with her. Takes me about 45 mins to get to work, sometimes I workout at lunch, 60 minutes home (yay traffic), make dinner (hubby walks and feeds the puppy), eat, clean up (dishes by hand, no dishwasher), play/train puppy. Usually by this time it is 7:30 or 8, I'm EXHAUSTED and I really just want to go to sleep but I still haven't accomplished anything on my to-do list.

In my mind, once I get all those boxes cleaned out and everything has a place then that will solve a lot of this. I am staying up til about 10:30 or 11 trying to get things off my list and get organized.

Monday, August 18, 2014

A New Family Member

Friday the hubby and I picked up our puppy. It was awesome! I was happy, excited and nervous. Here I am taking home this little puppy that I am now responsible for the outcome of this puppy's life. The way that she acts will be my responsibility. Everyone told/warned me how hard it is to have a puppy, like I've never had one before. I've had dogs most of my life so I know what it is like having a puppy... but did I really? When you have a puppy as a youth typically your parents end up taking care of it. You get to pick up the poop and that is about it, well for me anyway.

Our puppy's name is Isis, no not after the terrorist group but the Egyptian god of family, love, and marriage. My weekend with Isis, and the dog we were puppy sitting, was pretty awesome. We had some potty accidents, which is to be expected, but I was to impressed some cousins when I told Isis to go potty and she did so immediately. She is so smart after only this weekend she is getting the hang of sit and go potty. She has made it a full 3 hours in her crate, and she hasn't made a mess in her crate, yet.

Her first night away from her mama and siblings her little whimper was so sad, it actually made me tear up a little bit. Sometimes she whines when we put her in her crate sometimes she doesn't but he does not whine nearly as much as I expected. And she is more mellow then I was anticipating.

This will be my test to see if I can handle being a mom. Children sort of terrify me. Being the one that has to take care of this lil fur ball all the time also kind of terrifies me. I mean I'm in it with the hubby so I am not alone. Sometimes it is hard to say no to her adorable little face and sometimes (after little sleep Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) I get stressed cause she just peed in the same room 3 times within about an hour. In my tired little mind it was like, "great she is peeing everywhere! I can't do this, I don't remember how to potty train. I am the WORST puppy mom EVER!!" My hubby reassured me that I am not the worst puppy mom ever and calmly removed her from the room and cleaned up the mess.

She is uber adorable and fairly mellow. We took her to a family party on Sunday and she was so good just hangout while everyone greeted and pet her. With all that interaction she was pooped! I'm so excited to have her in our little family and can't wait to see her grow and learn more.

If you are getting a puppy I would recommend Cesar Millan's Short Guide to a Happy Dog. I haven't even made it all the way through the book and I feel like it has helped me a lot. I feel like I understand dogs better than I have.

I just love her to pieces and can't wait for all the crazy adventures that our ahead of us.